CD Tracks

Be certain in the religion of Love there are no believers or unbelievers. Love embraces all.

This CD was made with support from 14 principal sponsors who, in return, were able to dedicate their track to someone they love – their dedications were read out to the musicians at the start of each session, so that the sponsors’ individual tracks were performed with their loved ones very much in mind.

Click on the titles to find the words and detailed programme notes.

1 Love Endureth
In memoriam Commander R F Jessel DSO OBE DSC Royal Navy & Mrs Winnie Jessel

2 Love is the Master
In loving memory of Leo

3 Love Abide
for Dearest Brian Maher – son, brother and friend

4 Magnificat
Forever in memory of my adored husband Andrzej, beloved father of Rox & Jem

5 Nunc Dimittis
The love I feel for Paul can only be expressed in music

6 Zen Love Song
In loving memory of Simone, from all your children and grandchildren

7 Kyrie
For James, Ludovico and Niccolò Canonaco, with all my love, Mamma

8 Gloria
To Karen, Nicola, Susan, Anne & Stephen with love from Pa/Tony & Mummy/Joan

9 Sanctus & Benedictus
To Nathalie with love from Simon

10 Agnus Dei
With sincere gratitude for six wonderful years with the Schola, 2006-2012. Thank you Lee. Anon

11 Kyrie
For Tattin – 25 years of Love, of Laughter, and growing old together.

12 Gloria
To my wonderful Aunt Gloria, with love on her 80th Birthday

13 Sanctus and Benedictus
To express our appreciation for being part of the unique Schola family under the direction of Lee Ward. Twenty Schola families, 2012

14 Agnus Dei
In loving memory of our sweet little lamb, Theodore Kulawik
Gratitude for profound men, in particular Germain Roquette et Jean de Saint Chamas